The Pacific Theatre of Operations (PTO)
SPI - WWII PTO - Scenario 5: Island Hopping 1944

Seasonal Turn (Turns 1-3) The attack on the Marshall Islands (1)































































































A SBD-2 Dauntless dive bomber of either VB-6 or VS-6 on the carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6) prepares for takeoff during the 1 February 1942 Marshall Islands Raid.
Order of Battle

A two-player game covering the American (and Australian) offensive against Japan throughout the decisive year of 1944.
Playing Time: 8 + hours Start: January 1944
End: After December 1944

5.1 Japanese Controlled Territory

Japan, Philippines, Formosa, Marshall Is. Burma, New Britain New Ireland, Narau Is.

Malay Barrier and Islands-all island hexes (except the Aleutian Islands) to the northeast of the line W3007-W1415- E1406, following the hex grain to the northeast; this includes hexes in the line itself.

5.2 American Controlled Territory

Hawaii, Australia, Samoa, Midway, Johnston Is. Fr. Frigate Shoals, Palmyra, Fiji, Solomon Is. Gilbert Is. New Caledonia New Hebrides, Alaska New Guinea*

* Hexes E1508/1608/1709 and eastward only

5.3 Japanese Setup and Order of Battle

13 offensives; 6 EPs in ER

Singapore, Tainan (Formosa), Cam Ranh Bay: Supply base (one in each)
Rabaul, Truk, Yokohama:
Supply base, 6-3 infantry, and 4-3 marine in each Kwajalein, Saipan, W3327: Large airfield and 6-3 infantry in each
Wotje, Eniwetok, Guam, Tinian, Iwo Jima:
Small airfield and 6-3 infantry in each
Palaus, Okinawa, Wake, Iwo-lima; Noumea: Small airfield in each
Truk, Rabaul, the Marshalls (anywhere), the Marianas (anywhere): Fortification marker in each
In any Japanese supply base (all in one task force):
7 BBs (Yamato, Musashi, Yamashiro, Nagato, Fuso, Kongo, Haruna), 3 CVLs (Hosho, Zuiho, Chiyoda) each with 2-4/3 naval air, 4 CVs (Shokaku, Zuikaku, Hiyo, Junyo) each with 3-4/3 naval air
In any Japanese controlled hexes: 3-3 infantry (x5), 6-3 infantry (x10), engineers (x2), 7 supply markers
In any Japanese controlled ports: 4 SSs, 15 DDs, 12 CLs, 16 STPs, 13 CAs (Haguro, Chikuma, Mogami, Kumano, Suzuya, Atago, Takao, Chokai, Maya, Nachi, Ashigara, Myoko, Tone)
In any Japanese controlled airbases: 4*-6/3 fighter (x4), 3-4/3 naval air (x2), 6-10 bomber (x3), 4-14 bomber (x2), 5-12 bomber (x3), 4-8 bomber (x3)


3-3 infantry (x17), 6-3 infantry (x8), 4-3 marines (x2), 4*-414 fighter, 4*-6/3 fighter, 3-414 naval air, 4-14 bomber (x2), f-101(1) bomber (x2), _6-12 bomber


Spring: 4*-414 fighter, SS, CV (Taiho) with 3-4/4 naval air

Summer: SS, 2 CVs (Amagi, Unryu) each with 3-4/3 naval air

5.4 American Setup nd Order of Battle

The American player sets up after the Japanese player. He cannot examine Japanese units (except for the top counter) in any hex. The Japanese player must tell him, however, where the Japanese task force is based.

All U.S. subs are improved. 24 offensives, 10 EPs

In position to perform strategic warfare: 2 SSs
Pearl Harbor: Supply base, large airfield, 8-3 infantry, 3-4 armor, 10-3 marines (x2), engineers, paratroops, 13 BBs (Nevada, Maryland, West Virginia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Mississippi, Idaho, North Carolina, Washington, South Dakota, Indiana, Massachusetts), 7 CVLs (Independence, Princeton, Belleau Wood, Cowpens, Monterey, Cabot, Langley) each with 2-3/3 naval air, 7 CVs (Enterprise, Saratoga, Essex, Lexington ll, Yorktown II, Bunker Hill, Intrepid) each with 3-3/4 naval air
Kiska, Johnston, Palmyra Is.: Small airfield in each
Midway: Large airfield
Gilbert Islands: Large airfield (x2), 10-3 marines (x2), engineers
Fiji, Samoa, New Caledonia: Large airfield and an 8-3 infantry in each
Solomon Islands: Large airfield (x3; in clear hexes), 8-3 infantry (x3); engineers
New Guinea: Large airfield (x2), 8-3 infantry, 8-3 Australian infantry, paratroops, engineers
Australia: Supply base (x2), large airfield (x2), 8-3 Australian infantry (x2), 8-3 U.S. infantry (depleted), 4-(3) Australian garrison (x3), U.S. paratroop, 4*-4/3 Australian fighter
Anchorage, Alaska: 3-3 infantry
In any American-controlled ports (including Australia):
4 SSs (improved), 16 DDs, 7 CLs, 10 CAs (San Francisco, New Orleans, Louisville, Pensacola, Salt Lake City, Chester, Portland, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Baltimore), 4 CVEs (two with 1-3/1 naval air each and two with 1-3/2 naval air each), 20 STPs
On any American-controlled airbases: 4*-3/2 fighter (x2), 4*-7/2 fighter (x2), 4*-4/3 fighter (x2), 7-12/(1) bomber (x4), 6-10/(2) bomber (x4), 5-9 bomber (x3), 4 ATPs
Any American-controlled hexes: 7 supply markers


3-3 infantry (x10), 3-3 Australian infantry (x2), 8-3 infantry (x4), 20-3 infantry, 5-3 marines (x5), 10-3 marines (x2), paratroops (x2), engineers (x2), 4-4 armor, 11-4 armor, 4*-6/4 fighter (x2), 3-3/4 naval air (x5), 7-12/(1) bomber (x2), 6-10/ (2) bomber (x2), 10-16/(3) bomber (x2), 6 SSs, 4 DDs


Spring: SS, 2 BBs (New Jersey, Iowa), CVL (Bataan) with 3-3/3 naval air (depleted), 3 CVs (Franklin, Wasp ll, Hornet II each with 3-3/4 naval air (depleted)
Summer: 10-16/(3) bomber, 2 SSs, BB (Wisconsin), CVL (San Jacinto) with 3-3/3 naval air (depleted), CV (Hancock) with 3-3/4 naval air
Autumn: SS, 3 BBs (New York, Arkansas, Texas)

5.5 Special Rules

• Modify the income of the two sides as follows.

In the Spring and Summer Turns:

Japan: 110 EPs per seasonal turn (minus effects of strategic warfare)

U.S.: 135 EPs per seasonal Turn

The U.S. player is not required to spend any portion of his EP income on naval construction.

In the Autumn Turn: Japan 70; U.S. 100

• U.S. units cannot enter the monsoon weather zone during the scenario.

5.6 Victory

Victory is determined by adding up American victory points at the end of the scenario. The American player earns victory points for controlling the following locations or accomplishing the listed objectives by the end of the scenario. A location is considered controlled if all hexes are friendly to the U.S. player.

Victory Points for U.S. Control

Marshall Islands 3
Marianas Islands 4
New Guinea 4
Each hex in Philippines 1*
Each airbase in Philippines 3
Non-airbase hexes only.

*A maximum of 10 victory points can be gained for territory in the Philippines.

The U.S. player also gains 1 victory point for every Japanese supply base he captures or destroys during the scenario (maximum of 3 points per game).

Subtract 1 victory point from the U.S. player's total for each minor port or small airfield hex that started the game controlled by the U.S. but was controlled by Japan at the conclusion of the scenario. Subtract 3 points for major ports or large airfields that were taken from the US by Japan

Victory Points Victory Level
6 or fewerStrategic Japanese
7-8Decisive Japanese
9-11Minor Japanese
12-14Minor American
15-17Decisive American
18 or moreStrategic American
Game Setup

Game Mechanics

Time Scale: 1 month per turn

Map Scale: 100 miles per hex

Unit Scale: Capital ships, battlegroups (DD's CL's, CVE's etc) Land Units: corps, divisions, brigades

Players: Two to four - Medium Complexity, High for Campaign
Solitaire Suitability: High complexity

Playing Time: 4 to + 50 hours


1) 1941 - Day of Infamy
2) 1942 - Fortress Singapore
3) 1942 - Turning Point at Guadalcanal
4) 1942 - Tsunami in the Pacific
5) 1944 - Island Hopping
6) 1944 - The Writing on the Wall
7) 1937 - Incident at Marco Polo Bridge
8) 1939 - Attrition War in China
Campaign Sc
9) 1942 - The Short Game: Thirteen Months of Hell
10) 1941/1945 - War in the Pacific
11) 1937/1945 - The extended game

Game components:

1200 Die-Cut Counters
2 Colourful 23" x 34" Maps
1 Rules booklet
1 Scenario booklet
2 Reference charts, 1 Allied and 1 Japanese

1 sheet of task force/supply base labels
2 Die

Game Strategy

Classic hexagonal play game, monthly turns followed by seasonal turns. All major capital ships that took part in the conflict are represented, scenarios consist of introductory scenarios, specific scenarios and three Campaign games.

There are instructions and additional rules for combining this game with WWII ETO (European Theatre of Operations)