Polish Order of Battle

Click on the main Polish army groups on the map to see more details








































































Initial Forces & Conditions

Place in Warszawa hex 37:2420.

Fortresses: Hel
(37:1609) is an improved fortress. Grudziadz (37:1715), Torun (37:1717) and Brzesc-nad-Bugiem (37:3319) are unimproved fortresses.

Fortified Hexsides:
Fortified hexsides at 37:1930/37:1930/1830, and 1930/1931 unimproved; all other fortified hexsides in Poland are improved.

37:1509, Gdynia (37:1510), Kolo, 37:1815, Czestochowa (37:1926), Katowice 37:1930, Bielsko (37:2030), Mlawa (37:2116),
(37:2616), Lomza (37:2716), 37:2914, Wilno (37:3607), Baranowicze (37:3913), Rowne (37:4223) Krzemeniec (37:4226), Tarnopol (37:4228), 37:4420, Czortkow (37:4430).

3-Capacity Permanent Airfield: Deblin (37:2722).
Rail Capacity: 4 REs per turn.
Intrinsic AA: per chart.
Air Unit Repair: 2 or less.

Polish Armed Forces

Note: All Polish initial forces are placed in Poland.

Army Karpaty

Place within 3 hexes of the Slovakian border,
on or between hex rows 37:2532-2530 and 37:3031-3029:
Ix 3-6' Mtn X 2
lx 2-3-6 Mtn X 3
lx 1-2-4 NG X Karp
lx 1-6 Art X A Karp
lx 1-8 mot Art I II 1 Zmot
Place within 3 hexes of Rzeszow (37:2929):
I x 6-6 Mtn XX 22 lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6) 38

Army Krakow

Place within 3 hexes of the Slovakian or German border, on or between hex rows 37:1826-2025 and 37:2432-2430:
lx 5-6-6 Mtn XX 21
3x 5-6-6 Inf XX 6, 7, 23
Ix 4-5-6 Inf XX 55
lx 1-6'Inf Cadre (4-5-6) 45
Ix 3-4-8' Mech X 10
Ix 3-6' Mm X 1
Ix 3-8' Cav X Krak
lx 1-6 Art X A Krak
lx 0.1-5 Cons X A Krak
Ix 2-6 Art 111 5
Ix 1-8 MG II 4

Ix 1-R Art II 2 DPP
Ix 1-8 mot by AA II AA=1 1
lx 0-8 It AA II AA=1 A KrakL
x 1-8 Eng 11 65
Place at Katowice (37:1929):lx 2-4' Fort X Kat

Army Lodz

Place within 5 hexes of the German border, on or between hex rows 37:1223-1721 and 37:1825-2223:
3x 6-6 Inf XX 10, 28, 30
Ix 5-6 Inf XX 2 L
lx 1-6' Inf Cadre (4-5-6) 44
Ix 4-3-8' Cav X Wol
lx 3-8' Cav X Kres
lx 2-4 NG X Sier
lx 0-1-5 Cons X A Lodz
lx 2-1-8 Cav III Z
2x 1-6 Art III 4,6
2x1-8MG11 3,7
x 1-8 Eng 11 50

Army Poznan

Place within 5 hexes of the German border, on or between hex rows 37:1118-1520 and 37:1123-1521:
3x 6-6 Inf XX 14, 17, 25
Ix 5-6 Inf XX 26
2x 3-8' Cav X Podol, Wiel
Ix 2-3-4 NG X Kal
lx 2-4 NG X Poz
lx 0-1-5 Cons X A Poz
Ix 1-6 Art 11 1 7
lx 1-8 MG I I 5
Ix 1-8 Eng 11 47

Army Pomorze

Place within 5 hexes of the German/Danzig border, on or between hex rows 37:1915-1919 and 37:1217-1619:
3x 6-6 Inf XX 4, 15, 16
2x 5-6-6 Inf XX 9,27
Ix 4-3-8' Cav X Porn
2x 2-4 NG X Chel, Pom
lx 1-2-6 Art X A Pom
lx 0-1-5 Cons X A Pom
2x 1-6 Art III 8,31
Ix 1-8 MG II 6
Ix 0-81t AA I I AA=1 A Pom
Ix 1-8 Eng 11 46
Place at Wloclawek (37:1818):
lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6-6) 5
Place at Torun (37:1717):
lx 1-4' Fort X Torun
Place at Plock (37:2018):
lx 1-4' Fort X Wisla

Group Wybrzeza

Place in the following hexes, at least 1 unit per hex: 37:1509, Gdynia (37:1510), and Hel (37-1609):
lx 2-3-4' Nvl Trps X Mor
lx 2-4 NG X Mor
2x 1-2-6 Inf III 1 Mor, 2 Mor
lx 1-6 Art III Mor

Army Modlin

Place within 3 hexes of the German border, on or between hex rows 37:2015-2017 and 37:2415-2417.
2x 6-6 Inf XX 8,20
lx 43-8' Cav X Now
lx 3-8' Cav X Maz
lx 2-4 NG X War
lx 2-6 Art X A Mod
lx 0-1-5 Cons X A Mod
lx 1-8 MG II 1
lx 1-R Art II 1 DPP
Ix 0-8 It AA (I AA=1 A Mod
lx 1-8 Eng 11 60
Place at Modlin (37:2319):
lx 1-2-4 Fort X Mod
Place at 37:2418:
lx 1-4 Fort X Rozan

Group Narew

Place within 3 hexes of the German or
Lithuanian border, on or between hex rows 37:2515-2517 and
lx 6-6 Inf XX 18
lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6) 33
lx 43-8' Cav X Suw
lx 3-8' Cav X Podl
lx 1-8 MG If 2
Ix 1-8 Eng 11 53
Place at Lomza (37:2716):
lx 1-2-4' Fort X Osow

Group Grodno

Place within 3 hexes of Grodno (37:3211):
lx 1-6 Bdr III Baran
lx 1-8 Cav III Grodno

Eastern Border Command

Place within 5 hexes of Wilno (37:3607):
lx 2-6 Bdr I I I Wilno
Place within 5 hexes of the Soviet border, no more than 1 per hex:
lx 2-6 Bdr III Sarny
3x 1-2-6 Bdr III Pdle, Rowne, Wilej
lx 1-6 Bdr III Gleb

Group Wyszkow

Place within 3 hexes of 37:2718:
I x 5-6-6 Inf XX 1 L
lx 1-6' Inf Cadre (4-5-6) 41
Place within 3 hexes of Bialystok (37:3115):
lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6) 35

Army Prusy

Place within 3 hexes of 37:2422, west of the
Vistula River, no more than 2 units per hex:
4x 5-6-6 Inf XX 12, 13, 19, 29
lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6-6) 3 L
lx 3-8' Cav X Wilen
1x2-6 Art 111 1
2x 1-6 Art 111 2,3
Ix 1-8 Arm II 1
lx 1-8 Eng If 81
Place at Lodz (37:2022):
lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6) 36

High Command Reserves and Units in Transit

Place within 5 hexes of Warszawa, east of the Vistula River: lx 2-3-6 Art X NW
lx 1-2-8 AT X NW
lx 0-2-5 Cons X NW
lx 3-2-6 Siege Art III PAN
Ix 1-8 Arm 11 2
Ix.1-0-5 Arm II NW
lx 1-8 mot by AA I I AA=1 11
lx 0-8 It AA I I AA=1 NW
Place at Lublin (37:3023):
I x 3-4-8' Mech X War
Ix 1-6' Inf Cadre (4-5-6) 39
Place at Lwow (37:3628):lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6-6) 11
lx 1-2-4 NG X Lwow
Ix 1-6 Art 111 9
Ix 1-6 Arm 11 21
Place at Jaroslaw (37:3228):
lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6-6) 24

Polish Air Force

Place in any airbases in Poland:
lx P.7a 2F2 0/6
3x P.llc 3F3 0/8
3x P.23B 2A2 1/14
lx P.37B 2B4 2-6/29
4x 4 pos AA AA=1


Turn 1 Reinforcements:
Place at Pinsk (37:3917):
lx 1-8 Cav III W Place at Lwow (37:3628):
lx 2-8 Cav X Wolk
Turn 2 Reinforcements
Mobilize: 4x 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6-6) 3 L, 5, 11 to:
4x 5-6-6 Inf XX 3 L, 5, 11, 24
Turn 3 Reinforcements:
Place in any airbase on or west of the 37:2100 hex row:
lx Am. 143M 2NB3 2-6/14 (Fr) Mobilize: 4x 1-6' Inf Cadre (4-5-6) 39, 41, 44, 45 to:
4x 4-5-6 Inf XX 39, 41, 44, 45 Convert:
lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6) 33 and lx 2-6 Bdr III Wilno to:
lx 5-6 Inf XX 33
Convert: lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6) 35 and lx 1-2-6 Bdr III Wilej to:
Ix 5-6 Inf XX 35
Convert: lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6) 36 and lx 1-2-6 Bdr III Pdle to:
lx 5-6 Inf XX 36
Convert: lx 2-6' Inf Cadre (5-6) 38 and lx 1-6 Bdr III Baran to:
lx 5-6 Inf XX 38
Turn 4 Reinforcements:
Place at Warszawa (37:2520 or 2420):
lx 3-4-6 Inf XX 50
Place at Brzesc-nad-Bugiem (37:3319):
lx 3-4-6 Inf XX 60
Turn 7 Reinforcements:
Convert: lx 1-6 Art 111 31 to:
lx 4-5-6 Inf XX 31
Turn 8 Reinforcements:
Place at any major or dot city in Poland:
Ix 1-8 Lt Arm X 1 GP

1. Government.

The government of Poland starts the game in Warszawa hex 37:2420. Use the Polish capital marker to mark its location.

During any Polish initial phase, the Polish player may evacuate the government, sending it into exile. When evacuated, remove the government's capital marker from the map. Note: It does not cost the Polish player any rail capacity to evacuate the government. If the German player gains ownership of the hex containing the government, roll a die and consult the Success Table:

- On any Success result, the government escapes capture, and the Polish player must evacuate it in his next initial phase.
- On any Failure result, the German player captures the government. Remove the capital marker. (The German player gains a victory award for this event)

Certain Polish units may surrender once the government is evacuated or captured. During each Polish initial phase, if the Polish government has been evacuated or captured in an earlier player turn, determine the supply status of all Polish units. Then, check for Polish surrender in hexes that meet both of the following conditions:

- The hex contains one or more unsupplied Polish units.
- The hex is in a German ZOC.

If both conditions are met in a hex, roll one die and consult the Success Table:

- On any Failure result, all unsupplied Polish units in the hex surrender. Immediately eliminate them.
On any Success result, no Polish units in the hex surrender.

2. Polish Evacuation.

Once the Polish government is evacuated or captured, Polish forces may evacuate to neutral nations.

Ground units evacuate by entering any hex of a bordering neutral nation; air units evacuate by flying transfer missions to any airbase in a neutral nation. The Polish player receives victory points for evacuating Polish forces.

Polish forces may evacuate to any neutral nation they can reach, except the Soviet Union.

3. Eastern Poland Garrison.

The Polish player must maintain a 3 RE garrison in Eastern Poland, or suffer a penalty. The garrison may consist of any ground units except for position AA units.

Check the garrison at the start of each Polish initial phase. For each RE missing from the garrison, the German player receives 2 victory points.

Once the Soviet Union intervenes, the Polish player does not have to maintain this garrison for the rest of the game.
