Roads To Leningrad (2) GMT Games
The Battle of Staraya Russa 1941











































































































Situation - Summer 1941

Battle of Staraya Russa: In early August, the Soviet High Command prepared a surprise counter-offensive south of Lake Ilmen to relieve pressure on the increasingly hard-pressed armies defending Leningrad. Within two days, Soviet mechanized units had penetrated 35 miles and threatened to surround German X Corps. The Germans will clearly need reinforcements; can they hold on until Manstein's motorized troops arrive?

The Capture of Staraya Russa - Turn 10 - 16PM
The Battle of Staraya Russa - Turn 10 - 16PM

Staraya Russa is an old Russian town located 99 km south of Veliky Novgorod. It is the administrative center of Starorussky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia and a wharf on the Polist River (Lake Ilmen basin). It is the third largest town in Novgorod Oblast. The city was occupied by the Germans between August 9, 1941 and February 18, 1944. Totally destroyed by them, it was later restored.
Heavy SS mortorised divisions attack Soviet fortified lines

The Battle of Staraya Russa - Turn 19 - 22AM

SS mortorized divisions (black tiles) attack Soviet (brown tiles) fortified lines and break through on Turn 19 - 22AM and are intent on striking out at Staraya Russa. Historically the Axis succeeds, but in the time-frame of the game they do not (with only another three turns to go). Note Manstein's tile (portrait) with the Axis 3rd Mechanised Brigades (grey tiles) near top of illustration

The bitter struggle near the village of Volot

The Battle of Staraya Russa - Turn 18 - 21PM

The village of Volot was a key village for the Soviets at a crossroads with the railway, it also denied the Axis forces 3 VP's (Victory Points), see single 'strongpoint' tile to the upper left. The grey fuel barrel tiles show that German forces in the sector are out of supply, which blunts their ability to attack and capture Volot. Note also the line of Soviet fortified positions to the left.

The vultures gather near Staraya Russa

The Battle of Staraya Russa - Turn 18 - 21PM

Elements of the German 290th Division (grey tiles, mauve inserts) gather to attack Staraya Russa, their strengths have already been reduced by previous unsuccessful attacks against the heavily fortified town. .

The final victory

The Battle of Staraya Russa - Turn 22 - 23PM

Having held onto Staraya Russa the Soviets win a disisive victory with the following results:

Played Nov-Dec 2020

Axis lost Staraya Russa to the Soviets by the tenth turn, the Axis forces were quite weak in this sector which meant the Germans were handicapped with a 40 VP deficit, which they would never regain.

Outcome at the end of the twenty-second turn:

Axis - 41 VP deficit. before territorial gains/losses

Territorial gains: Soviets

Dedkovo (5315) -3
Volot (5530) -3
Solobsko (4220) -5
Dobovitsy (4912) -5
Buregi (4021) -10
Tuleblya ((5220) -5
Total 31

Territorial gains: Axis

Dolga (6817) 3
Korovitchino (6201) 6
Parfino (5002) 6
Komorova(5203) 6
Polist River 8
Porussa River 8
Total 37

Final outcome: Axis 35 VP deficit

Result: Soviet Decisive Victory
