Roads To Leningrad (3) GMT Games
The Battle of Soltsy 1941

































































































July 1941 - Introduction

Historical Situation: On 10 July German Pz.Gp.4 renewed its offensive toward Leningrad with two Panzer corps, XLI (Reinhardt) direct at Leningrad through Luga and LVI (von Manstein) through Soltsy and Shimsk to cut off Leningrad from the south and east. For a while the offensive moved swiftly with the advanced elements of LVI Corps east of Soitsy by dusk on the 13th. At the same time, Soviet command observed how LVI Corps was strung out along the road to Shimsk. With Reinhardt's corps diverted well to the north the day before, Soviet command was convinced their moment for a counter-offensive had come. They diverted reinforcements already on the way and reorganized them into northern and southern pincers to cut-off and surround Manstein's corps.

On the 15th the Soviet hammer struck. While the German 3 Motorized Division was busy fending off heavy attacks on their positions at Gorodishche and rear echelons fought off raids across the Shelon River in the south, 8 Panzer found itselfquickly surrounded and under attack by the 70th Order of Lenin Rifle Division and parls of 21st Tank Division.
Now for the first time a Panzer division had to yield. It reorganized for all-round defense and during the 17th completed its breakout to the west after much heavy fighting.

Soviet forces under Front and Theater direction had organized and executed a successful offensive against some of Germany's
finest troops. A precious three weeks was gained for the defenders of Leningrad.

© 2004 GMT Games, LLC

The road to Soltsy - Turn 9 - 17 July AM, Soltsy top right marked 'strong point'.
Soltsy proved elusive to the Axis forces, mostly due to fortifications by the Soviets

Game Mechanics

Time Scale: 12 hours per turn
Map Scale: 1.2 miles per hex
Unit Scale: Battalion and Companies
Players: Two - Intermediate Complexity
Solitaire Suitability: Intermediate complexity

Playing Time: 30 + hours


German Army Group North Operations in Russia

1) The Battle of Soltsy (10 turns)
2) Counter-Blow at Soltsy (6 Turns)
3) Battle of Staraya Russa (22 turns)
4) Manstein Attacks (7 turns)

Game components:

528 Die-Cut Counters
1 22x34 Map (printed both sides)
1 Rules booklet
1 Scenario/Play booklet
2 German Set-up Cards
2 Soviet Set-up cards
1 11x17
Player Aid Card
1 10-Sided Die

Game Strategy

Standard hexagonal game mechanics with medium complexity rules, designed by Vance Von Borries, published 2004

A good historical game with plenty of game-play notes and examples. Well designed playing pieces and colour codes makes it easy to keep track of armies and HQ units.

Expanded sequence of play included in the Play Booklet

Soltsy as at Turn 5 - 15 July AM
The Axis 8 Panzer Corps pushing up from the south and threatening the fortified city
The city of Shimsk at the end of the game - Turn 10 - 17 July PM
8 Panzer Corps attack the city of Shimsk and manage to occupy part of the city (bottom right) , but the final victory eludes them. Note also General Voroshilov's presence, having fled Soltsy after the same 8 Panzer group threatened that city. Had the Axis occupied the two hexes of the city the Soviet strategic victory would have been reduced to a marginal victory.
A panoramic view of the game as at Turn 8 - 16 July PM
Game Notes
The following Charts were printed off from the booklet:

1) The Operations Sequences (p. 31) and the Extended Sequence of Play (p. 32 (back page) of the rules booklet printed back to back.
2) Unit Identification Charts (pp. 3 & 4 back to back) of the Rules booklet

Game played Oct-Nov 2020

Axis victory points - 15 = Soviet tactical victory

Axis gained the villages of Medved, Utorgosh, Mshaga & Sitna, but failed to gain the two key cities of Soltsy (3 VP) & Shimsk (8 VP). They did, however occupy one of the two hexes of the city of Shimsk. Soltsy was too strongly defended by the Soviets.
