SPI Barbarossa 01

SPI's WWII European Theatre of Operations (ETO) - Scenario 7: Barbarossa
Set-up, start July 1941, end December 1941

SPI - ETO: Scenario 7: Barbarossa

A two-player scenario covering the invasion of Russia in 1941. One partnership is the Axis, the other the USSR. No Western Allies are used.
Playing Time: 6 hours
Start: July 1941
End: December 1941
Axis Partners: Germany, Italy, Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland (excluding Rumanian and Finnish hexes held by USSR).
Axis Conquests: Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland (except Soviet Zone), Denmark, Norway.
Axis Income, Autumn 1941: 80 EPs plus 1 EP per captured Soviet resource hex.
U.S.S.R.: Soviet Union, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania, plus Polish, Finnish, and Rumanian hexes east of the temporary borders.
Soviet Income in Autumn 1941: 70 EPs plus 2 EPs per resource hex conquered by Soviets (including Riga) minus 1 EP per resource hex within the original Soviet border captured by the Axis.

Orders of Battle

Soviet Union: The Soviet player sets up first. All units must be placed within the Soviet union, its partners, and/or the territory east
of the temporary borders.
4-3 infantry On Map 32 In ForcePool
5-3 infantry 6 (transfer
4-5 armor 5 box)
6-5 armor 2
1-3 paratroop 1
4-5/0 air 2
4-5/1 air 4
Battleships 3 1
Heavy cruisers 3 2
Light cruisers 2
Destroyers 4
Tactical subs 1
Generals Zhukov
HQ's 5° (autumn)
Airfields 1
STPs 2
ATPs 1
Fleet markersEPs Soviet110
' Marat, Parizhskaya Kommuna,
Oktyabrskaya Revolutsia 2 Kirov, Maksim Gorky; Voroshilov
(Black Sea)

Germany: German and Italian units can be set up in any hexes friendly to Germany. However, only one German unit (and no Italians) can be placed in Finland at the start of the scenario. Axis minor ally units must begin within their home countries.
6-3 infantry On Map15 In ForcePool9
8-5 armor 7
1-3 paratroops 1 2
4*-4/3 air 2
4-6/1 air 4
6-12 air 5
2-4/1 naval air 1
Battleships 3 (1)
Heavy cruisers 3 (2)
Light cruisers 2
Tactical subs 1
Carriers (Graf Zeppelin)
5 (3)
STPs 4
ATPs 2
Airfields 2
Offensives 15
Economic Reserve 10 EPs
(1)Lutzow, Scheer, Schleswig-Holstein
(2) Blucher, Hipper, Prinz Eugen
(3) Kliest, Guderian, Hoth, Hoepner, Manstein

German Partners: All Rumanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Finnish units are used and must be set up in their home countries.

Two Italian 4-3 infantry units can be set up in any hexes that are friendly to Germany (but not in Finland). No other Italian units are used.

Special rules

- The Soviet Union can buy up to 8 fortifications, 4 airfields, and 30 offensives before the scenario begins, subtracting the cost of these purchases from its 110 EPs. Installations are placed completed, not under construction.
- The Axis player automatically has initiative for the first three months of the scenario. Initiative for the Autumn season is determined normally.
- No strategic warfare is allowed in this scenario; skip that portion of the turn.
- During the Autumn seasonal turn, nations do not receive their normal income. Instead, each player receives income as listed in [7.1 ]. No Italian or Western Allies EPs are gained. The Soviet player rolls normally for his Siberian transfers.
- If the weather is fair during October, it is automatically winter during November. Weather effects on air units are determined normally for all months.


The German player earns victory points for capturing key city hexes, as follows:

2 points each for Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, Riga, Vilna
3 points each for Smolensk, Kharkov, Vorenezh, Rostov, Sevastopol, Murmansk, Maikop
10 points each for Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad

Points for an objective are halved if a land supply line cannot be traced from the city to a German supply source; minor ally (German partner) supply sources do not count.
Subtract 3 from the point total for every hex of Germany that is friendly to the Soviet Union at the end of the game.
Subtract 10 for every
German partner conquered by the U.S.S.R.
German Strategic Victory: 42 or more points
German Major Victory: 25-41 points
German Minor Victory: 19-24 points
Soviet Minor Victory*: 15-18 points
Soviet Major Victory: 10-14 points
Soviet Strategic Victory: 9 or fewer points
*Historical result

Extending the Scenario

An interesting game in progress after six months need not end with the December 1941 turn. Instead, players can proceed directly to the Winter 1942 seasonal turn by following the rules for scenario 8.

One modification is necessary to reflect the reduced Autumn 1941 income from scenario 7: The German player can place in the Winter box of the turn track one air unit, or one or two armour units, or an armor unit an air unit.

If none of these units are available in the force pool at the end of 1941, the German player gets nothing else in their place.

The Soviet player can place one air unit or one armor unit, if available.

Army Group North, with General Hoepner, have orders
to drive towards Leningrad and Moscow

The Soviet Baltic Fleet and HQ Baltic Command, to protect
Leningrad from attack

The Kiev Military District faces formidable forces
in the shape of General Kleist's Army Group Centre

The Odessa Military District's HQ & army, facing Guderian's Army
Group South, along with Rumanian and Hungarian forces
